61st Session of the Commission for Social Development Side Event on “The role of Young Women in Cooperatives in combating inequalities, enhancing productivity towards 2030”
At the 61st session of Commission for Social Development, the legendary Working Women’s Forum – Indian Cooperative Network for Women hosts a side event to focus & discuss the challenges faced by young women globally on February 9, 2023.
This side event will highlight how poor young women are transformed from atomized women workers into cooperative leaders & cases from different regions of the world will highlight through presentations/discussions.

IRU Board Member Dr Nandini Azad
The event is organised and hosted by IRU Board Member Dr. Nandini Azad and her team from the Working Women’s Forum and the Indian Cooperative Network for Women.
Also IRU Secretary General Andreas Kappes will participate at the online event and will contribute with a perspective on the global situation of young people and how cooperatives can contribute to reducing inequalities and to generating income opportunities, thus improving the social and economic position of women in particular.
Please find in the following the Concept Note and Official Invitation to the virtual event.