EACB Webinar on “The Future of the Co-operative Business Model”
IRU would like to make you aware of the next EACB Apropos Coop Banking “The Future of the Co-operative Business Model” webinar on
24 January 2022 – 9:30-11:30am CET (ONLINE)
This event is to mark the launch of the EACB Co-operative Identity Forum and the Academic Advisory Group. The newly created Forum shall serve as a platform for exchange on political developments related to co-operatives and in the co-operative banking sector on national, European and global levels. The EACB Academic Advisory Group shall enable a dialogue with researchers and academics on topics related to co-operatives and co-operative banking. The aim is to foster a mutually inspiring conversation on co-operative banking and its challenges.
The event focuses on the prospects for the co-operative business model, particularly in light of the trends emerging from the increasing digitalisation and the ecological transition of our economies.
EACB Chief executive officer Ms Nina Schindler will host and moderate the event. Newly elected CoopsEurope President Ms Susanne Westhausen will hold a keynote speech on the future of the cooperative business model. CERA Chief Excutive Officer and IRU President Mr Franky Depickere as well as IRU Presidium Member and Director International Affairs at Rabobank Prof. Hans Groeneveld will take part in the panel discussion on “Co-operatives on Stage: Trends and Experiences”.
On this occasion, the EACB would further like to honour the winners of the 9th EACB Award for Young Researchers on Co-operative Banks. The purpose of this competition is to attract young talents to investigate co-operative banks’ specificities and thus stimulate research on co-operative banking.
More details can be found here