It’s 100th International Day of Cooperatives 2022!
On July 2, cooperatives all around the world celebrate the 100th International Day of Cooperatives. A decade on from the UN International Year of Cooperatives, which showcased the unique contribution of cooperatives to making the world a better place, this year’s #CoopsDay slogan — “Cooperatives Build a Better World”— echoes the theme of the International Year. “Cooperatives are answering the wake-up call of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who warned that the world is ‘on the edge of an abyss — and moving in the wrong direction’, and exclaimed that ‘to restore trust, and inspire hope, we need cooperation, we need dialogue, we need understanding’. For nearly two centuries, cooperatives have been pulling in this direction.” declares Bruno Roelants, Director General of the ICA.
That cooperatives can indeed make a difference is also shown by the cooperative development projects of DGRV – German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation. Particularly based on the Selfhelp principle and the entrepreneurial cooperative idea of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, our member organisation DGRV is active in more than 30 countries worldwide. Jointly with project partners, sustainable cooperative developments are promoted on economic, social and ecological level. Cooperative systems are set up and supported in a targeted manner in projects made possible primarily by funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The different projects also contribute to achieving different SDGs. In the context of the CoopsDay, the following map gives a glance on the projects being currently implemented.
For further information on the cooperative development work of DGRV and more detailed project descriptions, please visit