Vision & Mission of the IRU – International Raiffeisen Union
Principles & Values
The global cooperative movement is deeply rooted in countries across the world. It lives up to the internationally recognized principles and values as they have been shaped by cooperative pioneers for centuries.
In the tradition of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen (1818 – 1888), we the IRU – International Raiffeisen Union and our member organisations are particularly committed to the principles of self-help, self-responsibility, self-administration, and to the values of democratic member control (One member, one vote), honesty, openness, solidarity, liberality, social responsibility, and concern for others.
We imagine a world where more people organize into cooperatives based on the principles and values of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen.
As part of the global cooperative movement and together with our members, we contribute to this vision by inspiring todays, and future generations, with the cooperative entrepreneurial approach and by providing a platform for joint exchange based on the principles and values of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen.