Guy Hoffmann

Jan Holthaus

Hans Groeneveld
Since 2020: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Raiffeisen S.C., Luxembourg
Since 2018: Chairman of the Association des Banques et Banquiers Luxembourg (ABBL)
Until 2020: CEO and President of the Management Board of Banque Raiffeisen S.C., Luxembourg
2007 – 2011: Banque Raiffeisen S.C.:
Member of Administrative Board
Member of Board of Directors
Consultant of Board of Directors
1987 – 2007: Banque Générale du Luxembourg S.A.:
Director Commercial Banking(2005-2007)
Member of Executive Board (2000-2005)
Head of Department “Enterprises” (2000-2005)
Head of Department “Large Companies” (1998-2000)
Deputy Head of regional headquarters Esch-Centre (1996-1998)
Head of Department “International Credits” (1995-1996)
Head of Department “Risk Management” (1990-1994)
Master of Business Administration, Financial Service Sector, Sheffield Hallam University, Great Britain
Next Generation Leaders Programme, IMD, Switzerland
Diploma in Financial Studies, London, Great Britain
Diploma of Académie Bancaire Européenne, Luxembourg
Further functions:
- Member of the Executive Committee of EACB (European Association of Cooperative Banks), Belgium
- Member of the Presidium and Board of Directors of International Raiffeisen Union, Germany
- Deputy Chairman of the Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises, Luxembourg
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Haut Comité de la Place Financière
- Member of the Board of Directors of the European Banking Federation
- Member of the Board of Directors of Sparinvest SICAV, Luxembourg
- Member of the Chamber of Commerce, Luxembourg
- Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Raiffeisen-Vie S.A., Luxembourg
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Raiffeisen Luxembourg Ré S.A., Luxembourg
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Immobilière Raiffeisen Luxembourg S.A., Luxembourg
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Raiffeisen Finance S.A., Luxembourg
- Member of the Board of Directors of LUX-PORTFOLIO, Luxembourg
- Member of the Board of Directors of LUX-EQUITY, Luxembourg
Since 2024 | CEO, DGRV – Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e. V., Berlin/Bonn |
2023 – 2024 | Member of the board, DGRV |
2020 – 2023 | Head of Legal Department, DGRV |
2018 – 2020 | Head of Legal Department Consulting, DGRV |
2011 – 2018 | Deputy Head of Legal Department, DGRV |
2008 – 2010 | Consultant of Legal Department, DGRV |
Education | Legal clerkship, Cologne (2nd state exam) |
Study of law, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Bonn (1st state exam) |
Today: Professor for Financial Service Co-operatives at TIAS School for Business and Society, Tilburg University
Today: Director International Cooperative Affairs at Rabobank
Since 2010: Senior Vice President Strategic, Governance and Organisational Issues
2007 – 2010: Head Sector Management SME at Rabobank
2006: Director Dutch Desks at Rabobank
2004 – 2005: Deputy Chief Economist at Rabobank
2003 – 2004: Manager Business Intelligence at Rabobank
2000-2003: Senior Consultant Corporate Strategy at Rabobank, Netherlands
1990 – 2000: Manager Strategy, Monetary and financial expert at the Dutch Central Bank, Netherlands
Education: PhD in Financial and Banking Economics
Further functions:
- Chairman of the Think Tank on European cooperative banks
- Member of the Co-operative Business Education Consortium
- Professor ‘Cooperative Financial Services’ at Tias School for Business and Society, Tilburg University
- Published extensively on financial topics, cooperative banks and organizations

Christian Hofer

Franky Depickere

Paulina Schwarz
Since 2022: Head of Sustainability, Politics & Cooperative – Raiffeisen Switzerland Cooperative, Zurich
2017-2022: Head of Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability – Raiffeisen Switzerland Cooperative, Zurich
2013-2017: Board Member (Swiss representative) – Inter-American Development Bank Group, Washington, USA
2009-2013: Deputy Head of Bilateral Economic Relations with Asia – State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Bern
2007-2009: Policy Advisor WTO/GATS – State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Bern
2007: Program Manager – Berghof Foundation for Conflict Research, Colombo, Sri Lanka
2006: SSF Research Fellow – University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
2002-2005: Research assistant (with teaching functions) – University of Zurich, Zurich
2017: MBA Finance, Responsible Management (George Washington University)
2013: CAS Research in the Social Sciences (University of Zurich, FHS Northwestern Switzerland)
2007: Dr. iur. University of Zurich
2002: Master of Law (University of Zurich, University of Geneva, University of Deusto Bilbao)
In the BoD of KBC Group: Non-executive director; Representative of core shareholders; Chairman of the Risk and Compliance Committee; Member of the Nomination Committee
Since 2006: Managing Director of Cera and KBC Ancora and Chairman of BRS (Belgian Raiffeisen Foundation), Belgium
Since 2005: Member of the Strategic Committee of F. van Lanschot Bankiers, Netherlands
1999: Managing Director and Chairman of the Executive Committee of F. van Lanschot Bankiers Belgium and Group Director of F. van Lanschot Bankers Netherlands
1982: Entering at CERA group and several executive positions in the following years
Education: Master’s degree in Commercial and Financial Sciences, University of Antwerp (HHS-UFSIA), Belgium
Further functions:
- Director and Chairman of the Risk and Compliance Committees of KBC Group, KBC Bank and KBC Assurances
- Member of the KBC Group Nomination Committee and Director and Member of the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee of CBC Banque
- Member of the Supervisory Board of the United Bulgarian Bank, AD, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Member of the Supervisory Board of CSOB Bank
- Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Chairman of the Audit Committee and Member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee of Euro Pool System International BV
- Member of the Executive Committee of EACB (European Association of Cooperative Banks)
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Flanders Business School
- Member of the Senate KU Leuven (Catholic University) and a Member of the Board of Directors of KU Leuven Kulak
Since 2022 Paulina Schwarz is deputy president of Raiffeisenverband Südtirol.
She is an entrepreneur and has been active in various boards of the South Tyrolean cooperatives for many years.
Ms Schwarz is president of the Raiffeisenkasse Etschtal and she has been a member of the board of the Raiffeisenverband since 2012 and a member of the executive committee since 2015.
Paulina Schwarz places a special focus on a stronger representation of women in the boards of the cooperatives, so Raiffeisenverband Südtirol entrusted her with the chairmanship of the working group “Women in Cooperative Leadership” in 2015.

Erwin Hameseder
Since 2022: Generalanwalt at ÖRV – Österreichischer Raiffeisen Verband (Austrian Raiffeisen Association), Austria
Career in the Austrian Armed Forces
- 1975 – 1987 Austrian Army
- 2002 Appointed Colonel of the Intendance Service
- 2006 Appointed Brigadier
- 2017 Appointed Major General
- Since 2015 Representative of the Ready Reserve
Professional career at Raiffeisen Austria
- 1987-1988: Legal Department
- 1988-1991: Investment Management
- 1991 -1994: Divisional Head, Investment
- 1994-2001: Managing director
- 2001-2012 :Chief Executive Officer RAIFFEISEN-HOLDING NIEDERÖSTERREICH-WIEN reg.Gen.m.b.H.
- Since 4th of May 2012: Chairman RAIFFEISEN-HOLDING NIEDERÖSTERREICH-WIEN reg.Gen.m.b.H,
- Since 22nd of June 2017: Chairman of the Supervisory Board Raiffeisen Bank International AG
- Since 30th of June 2022: President of the Austrian Raiffeisen Association
Board Members

Dr. Nandini Azad

Adem Darimla

Elenita San Roque
At present: President of the Indian Cooperative Network for Women (ICNW), India
Since 2016: Chairperson International Cooperative Alliance – Asia Pacific Women’s Committee
2014-2020 Chairperson, Outreach Committee for the National Credit Fund for Women and E-Women’s Market Portal, Ministry of Women and Child Development, India
2012: Chairperson of plenaries at the Global Microcredit Summit, Spain
2008: Chairperson of the plenary session on women at the Asia-Pacific Microcredit Summit, Bali
2004-2007: Work in the Finance Ministry on taxation related committees, India
2005: Setting up and heading the Outcome Monitoring Division in the Planning Commission of the Indian Government, India
2002: Co-chair of the E-Group on Women and Microcredit (set up by the Prime Minister’s office), India
1986-2000: Preparation of the National Policy on Women in India, e.g. the National Perspective Plan for Women, India
1994: Developing of the draft Beijing Status of Women Report for the Government of Cambodia (after the war), Cambodia
1993: Work with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and International Labour Organization (ILO) in Cambodia for creating new credit institutions during the war on gender and small enterprise, Cambodia
1986-1990: Director General of Nehru Yuva Kendra, Asia’s largest government program for non-student rural youth (early 90s)
Setting up of India’s first technical division to professionalize women’s programs within the Government of India
Technical Advisor to official SAARC women and development committees, India (late 80s)
Education: M.Phil, PhD. in Gender Studies/International Development Planning, Maxwell School of Citizenship/Syracuse University, USA
Further functions:
- Member, Women’s Empowerment Committee, National Cooperative Union of India
- Member-Secretary of the Independent Commission for People’s Rights and Development, a national advocacy coalition of 900 NGOs in 21 states of India
- Board member of the Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK), National Women’s Credit Fund, India
- Worked with the Asian Development Bank on a Regional Study to Combat Trafficking of Women and Children in South Asia
- Worked on financial inclusion for women in Nepal, Maldives, Cambodia, India and South Asia with International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP), Dutch Development Cooperation and many other international agencies
Since August 2023: President of Board of Central Union of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives of Turkey
2012: Member of Akdağmadeni Agricultural Credit Cooperative
2018: Elected cooperative representative for regional and central unions of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives of Turkey
2019: Elected board member of Central Union of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives of Turkey
Tradesman & Farmer
Education: Theology, Anadolu University, Turkey
Elenita San Roque, or Leni, has been the Chief Executive Officer at the Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (ACCU) since September 1, 2014. Before that, she was a Member Services, where she was pivotal in assisting ACCU member organizations in developing and enhancing their institutional capacity.
Leni’s notable achievement includes leading the development of 33 tailored Credit Union Business solutions in Asia, showcasing her dedication to innovation while preserving core credit union values.
Leni launched the Development Education Program in 1999, certifying 1,200 leaders who promote community, cooperation, and social responsibility in credit unions, aligning with their mission. She also earned the International Credit Union Development Educator designation from WOCCU.
Leni received the 2016 Athena Award from WOCCU’s Global Women Leadership Network, symbolizing her exceptional contributions to women’s leadership in the global credit union movement.
Leni, a Certified Public Accountant, also completed the Women’s Executive Leadership Program at UC Berkeley. ACCU, representing 50 million members in 23 countries, is Asia’s financial cooperative network.

Gustav Sawatzky

Shri Dileepbhai Sanghani

Younsik Kim
- 2021: Currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of BANCOP S.A.
- 2020-2021: Director of BANCOP S.A.
- 2012-2014 and 2018: Former Promoter and Senior Trustee of the Bank.
- 2015-2017: Member of the Board of Directors.
- 2013-2020: Chairman of the Board of Directors.
- 1999- 2020: Chairman of the Board of Directors.
- 1991-1998: Chairman of the Board of Elections.
- 2004-2007: Member of the Board of Directors.
- 2002-2012: Chairman of the Board of Directors.
- 2013-2023 : Vice President.
- Treasurer of the Board of Directors.
At present:
President of National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI), India
Vice President of the largest fertilizer Cooperative IFFCO
Immediate past President of National Federation of State Cooperative Banks
Member of the Board of International Raiffeisen Union (IRU), Germany
Shri Sanghani started his public service in 1982, when he became a member of District Panchayat and later during 1985 elected as a Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA). He is a former Cabinet Minister who held 10 important portfolios while Honourable Shri Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat State. He was earlier a Member of Parliament of the Lok Sabha representing Amreli constituency of Gujarat.
Since 2018: Chair & President of the National Credit Union Federation Korea (NACUFOK)
Since 2018: Chair of the Korean Credit Union Social Contribution Foundation
Since 2017: Vice President of Serim Primary Credit Union
2014-2018: Director of the National Credit Union Federation of Korea
2010-2012: Regional Council President of Daegu City Credit Union
2004-2012: President of Serim Primary Credit Union
Education: Graduated from Shingu University
Further functions:
- President of ACCU – Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (since 2018)
- Special Director of WOCCU – World Council of Credit Unions (since 2018)
- Korea Grand Art Exhibition Calligraphy Part Panel Judge
- Korea Grand Art Exhibition Calligraphy Part Invited Artist
- Maeil News Top Readers Academy Alumni President
- Vice Chair of Democratic Party of Korea Policy Committee
- CEO of Hyosung Agricultural Products Corporation
- CEO of Hotel Ariana

Arnold Munene
Mr. Munene is an esteemed leader with a distinguished career spanning over 14 years in the Co-operative sector, showcasing expertise in business administration and strategic management. His board memberships in multiple institutions underscore his influence and leadership in the industry. Known for his adeptness in improving regional performance through robust marketing strategies, driving substantial portfolio expansion, and spearheading successful mobilizations, Mr. Munene is committed to advancing the growth and progress of the union and the broader sector. Additionally, his qualifications as a certified SACCO Development Educator (ADE) and DEEU further affirm his dedication to professional development and expertise in the field.
Secretariat General

Andreas Kappes

Korbinian März
- Since 2014, Andreas Kappes has served as Secretary General of the IRU – International Raiffeisen Union.
- Andreas is concurrently the Head of the International Relations Department at DGRV – Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raifeisenverband e. V. since 2014.
- In his role at DGRV, Andreas Kappes oversees worldwide activities and cooperation programs in the cooperative sector across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Mediterranean.
- As economist, he began his career in the German cooperative organization in 1994.
- Andreas Kappes is also a Member of the Board at Cooperatives Europe since 2017, representing DGRV.
- Since 2020, Korbinian März is project coordinator at the IRU – International Raiffeisen Union in the Secretariat General Bonn, Germany.
- He is in particular responsible for the organisation’s member relations and strategic orientation.
- Korbinian joined the German Cooperative Movement in 2015 as project assistant in a project run by DGRV – Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raifeisenverband e. V. in Laos.