Dear members and colleagues,
Today, April 1st 2020, Korbinian März joined the IRU – International Raiffeisen Union. He will serve as the new coordinator in the Secretariat General in Bonn.
Korbinian joined the German Cooperative movement in 2015. He started as project assistant in a project run by DGRV – Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raifeisenverband e. V. in Laos. After two years of practical experience in a project focussing on promoting cooperative development, he moved from Laos to Bonn/Germany in 2017 in order to start working in the International Relations Department of DGRV (AIB).
Since then he served as a project coordinator in the regional team for Asia. Korbinian was in charge of DGRV’s project activities in Myanmar and India. In addition, he coordinated the public relations work of AIB. On European level, Korbinian was (and will continue to do so) active in the Cooperatives Europe Development Platform.
Korbinian studied political science and International Relations in Erfurt/Germany and Brighton/UK. He is 33 years old and lives with his wife and son Oskar in Bonn.
Korbinian März can be contacted at the Secretariat General of IRU in Bonn under the following contact information:
Phone: +49 228 8861 364
Mobile: +49 159 04527496
Korbinian and I are both looking forward to continue our close ties and the excellent cooperation between you and Secretariat General.
Kind regards,
Andreas Kappes
Secretary General